Philosophical Musings

Do not delay when you are certain

When you have discovered what you truly desire to accomplish and attain with your time on this earth, which is in alignment with expressing your true passions and talents, which reveals your true life purpose and meaning to your existence, then it is unwise to deliberately prolong the onset of your great journey when you are certain what you want from your life.

The decision to pursue a great ambition may require several years of your life to successfully fulfill, it will inevitably be met with challenges to surmount and obstacles to overcome, it will push and stretch you in innumerable ways and force you to leave your comfort zone in order to flourish and rise to reach your full potential.

The majority assume they will live to a ripe old age, but this is not always the case for everyone on this earth. Therefore, it is unwise to waste time and you should make haste towards what you truly desire to accomplish and experience from your time on this earth. There is no greater regret than not living a life that is in accordance with your true desire and does not fulfill your true destiny.

You will need to step into uncharted territory and put your abilities to the test in order to venture forth and accomplish your true life purpose. It will require a lifelong commitment and tremendous exertion on your behalf to fulfill.

It is therefore wise to embark on such a momentous endeavor when you are young and able, as you do not know for certain how much time you have on this earth and what trials you will have to face on the course of your life journey.

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4 thoughts on “Do not delay when you are certain”

  1. Agree with you more than 100% . Very true but as a human easily forgotten as well .
    Very important and impressive massage. Loved reading it . 😊

  2. Wise words Ali! Know what you want then take action without delay! The years can fly by without you realizing!

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